Based on those developed by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)

  • Any emissions that we create should be offset by healthy ecosystems. This prioritizes low emission alternatives when possible such as buses/trains/cycling over the use of private cars. This involves offsetting emissions created by the likes of construction, production, transport and other activities that produce a notable volume of emissions. This hopes to diversify our energy sources, reducing reliance on energy imports and increasing energy security by utilizing sustainable/natural renewables.

  • This recognises the indispensability of nature across all aspects of human welfare. By protecting and nurturing biodiversity and the health of ecosystems, we are safeguarding our own wellbeing both long-term and short-term. Development, particularly in the urban environment, should prioritize balancing the wellbeing of humans with that of nature. This means extending greater consideration onto nature and integrating it where possible with development. For example: developments should encourage/facilitate biodiversity and ecosystem health while also meeting the needs of the local community. This encourages green and blue areas within the city to reconnect citizens with the natural environment.

  • Fostering an inclusive and community-driven approach to development cultivates thriving urban environments that prioritize fairness, well-being, and equity. By addressing underlying factors contributing to poverty, disparity, and disempowerment, such an approach not only enhances the quality of life within cities but also safeguards vital natural ecosystems essential for human existence.

    Through equitable and people-centric development we strive to enhance the livability and safety of urban spaces while bolstering public health and social cohesion. This entails ensuring universal access to essential resources such as safe and nutritious food, clean water, sustainable energy, and resilient infrastructure. Moreover, our efforts aim to nurture socially and culturally vibrant communities where diversity is celebrated and solidarity is ingrained in the social fabric. By championing these principles, we endeavor to create environments where every individual can thrive, fostering a brighter and more sustainable future for all.

  • Our vision for sustainable development involves crafting pathways that foster resilience in the face of evolving challenges. By proactively anticipating, mitigating, and rebounding from various shocks and stresses—be they environmental, technological, social, or demographic—we pave the way for a more resilient society. We believe in fortifying essential infrastructures and services to better serve our communities, ensuring that every strategy and initiative integrates resilience as a fundamental principle. In doing so, we prioritize the rights and needs of vulnerable populations, striving for inclusivity and equity in all endeavors. Through transparent and inclusive practices, we work towards building trust in our public institutions while continually enhancing the resilience of our systems for a brighter, more sustainable future.

  • Embracing a circular development approach, alongside innovative production and consumption models, paves the way for the creation of resilient communities that thrive on recyclable, shareable, and regenerative resources. Departing from the conventional linear pattern of "produce, consume, discard," this paradigm shift allows us to address the material and developmental requirements of an expanding global population sustainably.Circular development liberates urban economic growth from the shackles of resource depletion and environmental harm. By integrating environmental and social considerations into the fabric of economic activities, it ensures that the true costs of goods and services are reflected, fostering fairness and inclusivity in resource allocation.

Our Goals and Objectives

  • Objective 1: Encourage compact, mixed-use development patterns to reduce urban sprawl and preserve green spaces and agricultural land.

    Objective 2: Develop and implement sustainable transportation infrastructure, including bike lands, pedestrian-friendly streets, and public transit options to encourage a decreased reliance on private cars.

    Objective 3: Foster community engagement in urban planning processes to ensure that development projects prioritize environmental sustainability, social equity, and quality of life for residents.

  • Objective 1: Establish protected areas and wildlife corridors to conserve nature habitats and species diversity

    Objective 2: Implement restoration projects to rehabilitate degraded ecosystems, such as wetlands, forests and riparian zones.

    Objective 3: Encourage sustainable land management practices among farmers and landowners, promoting agroforestry, organic farming, and habitat conservation on private lands.

  • Objective 1: Implement energy efficiency programs in residential and commercial buildings to reduce energy consumption

    Objective 2: Promote the adoption of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

    Objective 3: Advocate for policies that incentivise the use of public transportation, and reduction of private cars.

  • Objective 1: Develop climate adaptation strategies tailored to the unique challenges faced by Waterford City, such as flooding risk and coastal erosion.

    Objective 2: Engage with local residents and businesses to raise awareness about climate change impacts and empower communities to take proactive measures to build resilience.

  • Objective 1: Advocate for the implementation of waste reduction initiatives, such as composting programs and plastic-free initiatives, in Waterford.

    Objective 2: Partner with local businesses and organizations to promote recycling and resource recovery efforts, with a focus on reducing single-use plastics and packaging waste.

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